English to Hausa Meaning of prohibition - Hanin

Prohibition :

Hanin, hanawa, takunkumin tattalin arziki, dokar, giwa, rigakafin, haƙurinsa, hani, kujerar naƙi, Therapeutics, maganin guba

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Definitions of prohibition in English
Noun(1) a law forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages(2) a decree that prohibits something(3) the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United States by a constitutional amendment(4) refusal to approve or assent to(5) the action of prohibiting or inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance thereof
Examples of prohibition in English
(1) The prohibition on retroactive penal legislation is linked to the right to a fair trial, as it is irrevocably an example of an unfair trial.(2) It's one more example of drug prohibition doing more harm than good.(3) The legal prohibition on discrimination initially only applied to government actions.(4) Beyond the substantial fiscal costs of enforcing the prohibition of cannabis, the social costs of such policies are considerable.(5) I am not satisfied that they contravened the specific prohibition .(6) Turvey has long argued against drug prohibition , yet he increasingly applauds and encourages enforcement measures.(7) Even if surrogacy did breach some attractive moral principle, this would not automatically justify legislative prohibition .(8) International law establishes an absolute prohibition against torture.(9) The actual wording of the clause imposes a blanket prohibition on working for another firm of financial analysts.(10) The prohibition on ÔÇÿcommon lawÔÇÖ crimes is a good thing even though injustice can result.(11) When it comes to local news, we will continue with our general prohibition on the use of anonymous sources.(12) I'd like to promote elimination of drug prohibition .(13) the prohibition of torture(14) They do not even tell us whether the costs of drug use are lower than they would be without prohibition .(15) Thus, prohibition would be argued for on religious as well as on alleged scientific or medicinal grounds.(16) Parliament has partly lifted the prohibition on imports and exports of cash via post deliveries.
Related Phrases of prohibition
2. ban ::
3. inhibition ::
1. prescription ::
sayen magani
Different Forms
prohibition, prohibitionist, prohibitionists, prohibitions
Word Example from TV Shows


Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 16

English to Hausa Dictionary: prohibition

Meaning and definitions of prohibition, translation in Hausa language for prohibition with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of prohibition in Hausa and in English language.

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